react-gsap Docs

Migration from version 1

react-gsap version 2 is mostly backwards compatible with version 1.

But there are 2 changes:

  1. You need to install gsap separately. So if you upgrade react-gsap you need to upgrade gsap to a version >= 3.

  2. The Tween component props staggerFrom and staggerTo are removed. In gsap version >=3 you can "stagger" the normal, gsap.from() and gsap.fromTo() functions.

So replace this:

<Tween staggerTo={{ x: '200px' }} stagger={0.2}>
<div style={{ width: '20px', height: '20px', background: '#ccc' }} />
<div style={{ width: '20px', height: '20px', background: '#ccc' }} />

With this:

<Tween to={{ x: '200px' }} stagger={0.2}>
<div style={{ width: '20px', height: '20px', background: '#ccc' }} />
<div style={{ width: '20px', height: '20px', background: '#ccc' }} />

There are possible more changes in gsap version 3 that leads to a different behaviour. Have also a look at If you find something please open an issue in github.