The ScrollTrigger component is a small helper for the ScrollTrigger plugin.
Read the official documentation:
It's available since version 3.2.0. Before you also could use the ScrollTrigger plugin by importing/registering and using it in a Tween or Timeline by yourself:
import { Tween } from 'react-gsap';import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger';gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);<Tweento={{x: '300px',scrollTrigger: {trigger: '.square',start: '-200px center',end: '200px center',scrub: 0.5,markers: true,},}}><div className="square" style={{ width: '100px', height: '100px', background: '#ccc' }} /></Tween>
Basic usage
With the ScrollTrigger component, it looks like the following. If you don't add a trigger prop, it will use the ref from the Tween target.
Use "trigger" prop
Currently it's not possible to change the props on the fly. So this will not work for the trigger
const triggerRef = useRef(null);const [trigger, setTrigger] = useState(triggerRef.current);useEffect(() => {setTrigger(triggerRef.current);}, []);return (<><ScrollTrigger trigger={trigger}><Tweento={{x: '500px',}}><div>This element gets not tweened by ref</div></Tween></ScrollTrigger><Square ref={triggerRef}>This element is the trigger</Square></>);
If you want to target a ref directly instead of using a CSS selector you can use a Timeline with a forwardRef target:
// This is the target component which "exports" 4 refsconst TargetWithNames = forwardRef((props, ref: any) => {const div1 = useRef(null);const div2 = useRef<MutableRefObject<any>[]>([]);const div3 = useRef(null);const trigger = useRef(null);useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({div1,div2,div3,trigger,}));return (<div ref={trigger} style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}><h3 ref={div1}>THIS</h3><SplitCharsref={(charRef: MutableRefObject<any>) => div2.current.push(charRef)}wrapper={<h3 style={{ display: 'inline-block' }} />}>TEST</SplitChars><h3 ref={div3}>IS A</h3></div>);});
You can then use the key of the exported refs in the trigger
or target
If it doesn't find a ref with this key it will use the trigger
string as CSS selector.
If you don't pass children to the component a GSAP ScrollTrigger instance will be created and can be used standalone.
You can get the instance by calling getGSAP()
on the ref.